Vegetarian dishes from our menu

Here you will find all the vegetarian food offered by our Italian restaurant Rossini in Plaza Real.

Within the variety of dishes that you will find in our specialties menu, we also offer some vegetarian food options for our customers, maintaining the identity of our Italian and Mediterranean fusion cuisine.

In this short article, we will show you the vegetarian dishes on our menu to provide you with as much information as possible about the recipe for each dish and its associated ingredients. For any other questions you may need, remember that you can contact us through our contact page.

Table of Contents


Patatas bravas

The best bravas potatoes in Plaza Real with delicious spicy brava sauce. A perfect starter to eat in a group.

Bruschetta italiana

An appetizer of Italian cuisine made from toasted bread with oil, fresh tomato, garlic and basil.

Battered Camembert

Culinary recipe with which you will melt! Delicious camembert prepared with batter and caramelized onion.

Caprese salad

Quintessential vegetarian food made from buffalo mozzarella, RAF tomatoes and oregano.

Vegetarian pastas

Penne all’arrabbiata

It is one of the typical sauces of the Italian cuisine of Lazio. Tomato pasta with a spicy touch.

Homemade vegetable lasagna

A tasty homemade lasagna filled with different vegetables. Not even Garfield would miss it!

Forest mushroom risotto

Italian rice dish prepared with 3 different types of mushrooms (portobello, gircola, shimeji and mushrooms)

Penne al pomodoro

A delicious vegetarian pasta recipe that is prepared with tomatoes, garlic, onion, oil and basil to die for.

italian pizza

Margherita pizza

The traditional and classic neapolitan pizza in all its splendor and flavour, handcrafted by our pizza chef.

Pomodorini pizza

A vegetarian pizza composed only of tomato, cherry, mozarella, arugula and grana pagano.

4 formaggi pizza

Who can not resist a 4 cheese? A creamy pizza to melt with different varieties of Italian cheeses.


The classic Italian antipasti to accompany! Herb-covered flatbread that is prepared like a pizza.



Italian dessert par excellence! Tiramisu is a cake cold that is prepared with coffee, chocolate, cream and mascarpone cheese.


Another cold cake known as “tarta de queso” made up of biscuit dough, cream cheese and cream.

Do you want to discover the Italian essenza? Discover many more photos of dishes in our restaurant gallery.


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“Patatas bravas”

Italian bruschetta with fresh basil

Hand-carved Iberian ham with tomato bread (half portion)

Andalusian-style fried calamari

MAIN COURSE (to choose)

Black rice with squid

Homemade meat or vegetable lasagna

Vegan option: Vegetable risotto

DESSERT (to choose)

Profiteroles with chocolate

Chocolate and walnut brownie

(served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream)

Vegan option: Lemon sorbet


Water included

2 Glasses of red or white wine Envite joven D.O. Rioja


2 Soft drinks / 2 beers

(VAT included)