11 Pizzas that you cannot miss in Plaza Real

Discover all the artisan pizzas on our menu and savor the Italian essence of Rossini with a super offer 2x1 in our pizzas.
Pizza 4 stagioni

Welcome to the blog of the Italian restaurant Rossini! Back from vacation, today we have prepared a special article dedicated to our popular Italian pizzas that we serve daily in the Plaza Real in Barcelona.

And after the hot summer, we come loaded with fresh news …

Now we are also available at Glovo and we offer to our customers home delivery with a succulent menu of pizzas to enjoy all its delicious flavor at home.

Rossini-style artisan pizzas

With an Italian tradition, our restaurant in Plaza Real captures the culinary essence of Tuscany with its own Mediterranean touch. The pizzas that you will find in our menu or in Glovo are handcrafted by our chefs with quality ingredients, a mixture of colors and flavors capable of moving even the most demanding palate.

Discover them!

Margarita pizza

Marguerita Pizza

The most classic Italian pizza with all its flavor, a specialty worthy of kings.

prosciutto pizza

Prosciutto Pizza

A northern Italian specialty made with delicious jork ham. The pizza that no gourmet can miss!

hawaiana pizza

Hawaiana Pizza

Loved and hated by many, this most exotic pizza can be found in our menu with tropical ingredients to try new sensations.

pizza prosciutto e funghi Italian restaurant

Prosciutto e funghi Pizza

Alternative version of the Prosciutto pizza that incorporates seasonal mushrooms for a more elaborate flavor.

Pizza 4 staggioni

4 stagioni Pizza

4 different flavors, 4 emotions to delight the palate with the classic Italian essence: Our 4-season pizza is the great classic among classics!

Pizza tonnata Italian restaurant

Tonnata Pizza

A very popular mixed pizza in pizzerias in Barcelona. Our “Tonnata” is a specialty designed for lovers of true Italian cuisine.

Pizza pomodorini talian restaurant

Pomodorini Pizza

The perfect combination of fresh ingredients to enjoy a completely vegetable flavor.

Pizza Barbecue

Barbacue Pizza

A pizza with authentic American flavor, crispy crust, delicious minced meat and bacon.

Diavola pizza from Rossini restaurant

Diavola Pizza

A specialty with a fiery flavor. If you are looking to try a different pizza, our “Diavola” will not leave you indifferent with its explosive mix of ingredients.

pizza 4 formaggi menu Italian restaurant

4 formaggi Pizza

Rossini’s big favorite for cheese lovers. Without a doubt, a temptation difficult to resist.

italian restaurant menu

Calzone fantasia Pizza

Bring the taste of Italian Campania to your palate. This latest pizza incorporates a mix of carefully selected ingredients to enjoy every bite at the table.

Every pizza is an emotion

At Rossini, each pizza is an expression of each facet of Italian gastronomy, with unique ingredients carefully selected to offer the best flavor and freshness to our guests in the emblematic Plaza Real.

One of the best valued specialties that you cannot miss, if it is the first time you visit our Italian restaurant in Barcelona. If you want to know our pizzas from a closer perspective, you cannot miss our article: Italian pizzas in the pure Rossini style.

So far our post today, we hope you liked it and see you in the next one!


Últimas entradas



“Patatas bravas”

Italian bruschetta with fresh basil

Hand-carved Iberian ham with tomato bread (half portion)

Andalusian-style fried calamari

MAIN COURSE (to choose)

Black rice with squid

Homemade meat or vegetable lasagna

Vegan option: Vegetable risotto

DESSERT (to choose)

Profiteroles with chocolate

Chocolate and walnut brownie

(served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream)

Vegan option: Lemon sorbet


Water included

2 Glasses of red or white wine Envite joven D.O. Rioja


2 Soft drinks / 2 beers

(VAT included)