Enjoy the best paellas in Plaza Real

We launched a new special paella menu for our Italian restaurant. Enjoy a full plate at a good price in the Plaza Real.
paellas plaza real restaurant rossini

Dear guest! Starting today we are launching a new paella menu for our Italian restaurant in Plaza Real. A gastronomic offer that you should not miss, if you are a lover of rice and quality Mediterranean cuisine.

Like the other dishes that are part of our Italian restaurant menu, you can enjoy the best ingredients from the sea while enjoying the typical cosmopolitan atmosphere of Barcelona.

Why choose Rossini's paella?

Like our Italian artisan pasta, we bet on quality rice to delight your palate with the best combination of flavors from the sea. The Rossini paella as well as the risottos are exclusive specialties on our menu that you should not miss to live a different gastronomic experience in Plaza Real.

If this is the first time you visit Barcelona and you want to try the most typical dishes of the city, then you should not miss our paella. A Mediterranean dish that you can share with whoever you want in a unique atmosphere inspired by the essence of Italian Tuscany in the heart of the Gothic Quarter.

Paella menu rossini restaurant

Eat at a good price with whoever you want! You can enjoy this new paella menu soon only on weekends and if you want more …

Do not miss the most interesting articles of our kitchen and curiosities of our blog. For this summer do not miss the opportunity to discover new experiences with unique dishes from the Rossini restaurant.

See you in the next post!


Últimas entradas



“Patatas bravas”

Italian bruschetta with fresh basil

Hand-carved Iberian ham with tomato bread (half portion)

Andalusian-style fried calamari

MAIN COURSE (to choose)

Black rice with squid

Homemade meat or vegetable lasagna

Vegan option: Vegetable risotto

DESSERT (to choose)

Profiteroles with chocolate

Chocolate and walnut brownie

(served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream)

Vegan option: Lemon sorbet


Water included

2 Glasses of red or white wine Envite joven D.O. Rioja


2 Soft drinks / 2 beers

(VAT included)